Fight or Flight

Depression: Defined

Have you ever felt the pain of rejection when someone you love doesn’t understand your struggles? I’ve had many people tell me to “buck up,” “look on the bright side,” “put your big girl panties on,” or “is your depression gone yet?”

There are many things in life that are here today and gone tomorrow. My friends, depression is not one of them. There are good days and there are bad days. If you struggle with depression, you know there is a sleeping giant inside your brain.

Depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain. Depression can be triggered by major life events, small reminders, movies, books, or anything that will subconsciously cause a person to spiral downward toward a mental meltdown.

Depression can cause fatigue, lack of motivation, low self-worth, antisocial behaviors, increased or decreased appetite, and many other things.

Depression doesn’t disappear overnight. People with depression typically need medication to help balance the chemicals in their brain and counseling as a start toward renewal.

Other things that help with depression are loved ones who encourage action instead of disappearance. Those with depression can also benefit greatly from increased self care such as journaling, exercise, healthy eating habits, affirmations, or anything that makes one feel more relaxed and rejuvenated.

As a person who struggles with depression, one of the most important things to remember is that the renewal process is just that, a process. You must take it one step at a time. Not all of your steps will be forward and that is okay. A step in any direction is acceptable as long as you keep taking action and avoid hiding from the struggles.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Sweet friend, what actions do you take to strengthen your physical, mental, or emotional state?

2 thoughts on “Depression: Defined

  1. Gods word. Originally for me depression stemmed from a mix of ADD medication and living a life of sin which left me wide open to the lies of the enemy.
    The lifestyle left me guilty and my mind did the rest. After ceasing the sinful lifestyle I was still depressed.
    Anything I put into my ears alters my thoughts and either one, opens the doors to those lies, or two reduces the ability of the lie doors opening.

    I changed the type of things I listened to, people I hung around, and things I read. But it wasn’t until I came to know the Lord as my Savior (July 2013) and begin to work through the lies of my image & replace it with how God sees me….that is when I gained victory over depression. My way of keeping the lies at bay is staying grounded in God’s word, the Holy Bible. Memorizing verses so when it tries to strike I say….”For it is written…(insert applicable verse for a specific depression though life that applies).” And repeat it over & over.

    God has helped me through this in a way no one else could. Through Him I’ve gained freedom over depression, that I struggled with for over 15 years. Yes, it still tries to come back, but God’s given me His sword, the sword of the Word to fight back with.

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